Alma Mater Studiorum (UNIBO)
Almost 1000 years old, the University of Bologna (UNIBO) is known as the oldest University of the western world. Nowadays, UNIBO still remains one of the most important institutions of higher education across Europe and the second largest university in Italy. With 11 Schools, 32 Departments and about 87.000 students; UNIBO is organized in a multi-campus structure with 5 operating sites (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini), and, since 1998, also a permanent headquarters in Buenos Aires.
Thanks to its scientific excellence and a central research development and project management support, UNIBO has gained a considerable experience in International and European research projects, successfully participating in FP7: with 274 projects funded in 2007-2013; (58 of them as coordinator) and 87,8ML Euros of funding. In Horizon 2020, UNIBO is so far involved in 162 funded projects (39 as coordinator) with more than 57ML Euros of funding.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) is one of the strongest and largest centres for computer science and engineering research in Italy, covering such diverse areas as artificial intelligence, edge/cloud computing, autonomic and complex systems, bioinformatics, middleware for distributed systems and networks, programming languages, and their application to medicine, energy, environment, smart cities, and society, to cite just a few. The core activities of the Mobile Middleware research group (http://middleware.unibo.it, led by Paolo Bellavista and Antonio Corradi) focus on middleware support for highly dynamic distributed systems with quality constraints (e.g., for latency and reliability), advanced cloud computing, semantic Internet, and support platform for big (semantic) data storage and processing.