Fraunhofer IFAM
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG) is a non-profit and the leading organization for applied research in Europe. Founded in 1949, the FhG currently comprises 75 Fraunhofer-Institutes with nearly 29.000 employees at 40 different locations in Germany as well as research centers and representative offices in Europe, USA and Asia. The FhG undertakes applied research in future-oriented projects with the aim of finding innovative solutions to issues concerning the industrial economy and society in general.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, located in Bremen, is the largest independent research facility in Europe in industrial adhesive bonding technology. IFAM possesses facilities for computational materials modelling and has access to several High‐Performance computing resources for ab‐initio quantum mechanical (QM) as well as molecular dynamics (MD) tools which are used to model molecular interactions at surfaces, the dynamics of polymer matrices, and polymerization processes. The modelling activities at IFAM have contributed to the development of innovative resin materials and multifunctional nanoparticles for smart composites.