Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon GmbH (Hereon)
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon GmbH (Hereon) is one of 18 members of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany’s largest science organisation. Hereon is located in Geesthacht near Hamburg with branches in Teltow near Berlin and in Hamburg, with a total staff of approximately 950 employees.
Embedded in the Helmholtz Research Fields „Key Technologies“ and „Structure of Matter“ the scientists at the Institute of Surface Science develop ultra-light-weight materials and innovative process technologies for the application areas air and ground transportation, regenerative medicine, as well as energy storage and functional materials. Hereon participation in the project will be through the department of “Interface Modelling” (MOM). The main focus of the MOM department is on development of new surface technologies for structural and biomaterials, and the development of “predictive” modelling and simulation of service-life aspects. The department has strong expertise on corrosion protection of Mg-based alloys using polymeric, metallic and oxide-based coatings. Currently, seven EU projects are in progress in frame of MOM activities. Four include strong modelling and simulation activities.